The Greatest Current 

There is something majestic and mesmerizing about the ocean and there is something dull and droning about...

Restoring the Ganga River Through Sustainable Strategies and Community Initiatives 

Mr. Mithilesh Kumar Mishra, Unit Head (Knowledge and Planning), State Mission for Clean Ganga-Uttar Pradesh,...

River of Perceptions

A case of Mahanadi and a relationship of generations with the river

Re-envisioning Riverfronts: Ecological & Social Harmony 

India’s urban riverfront development projects prioritize aesthetics over ecology, disrupting river...

Springs: Policy Changes and Sustainability

Groundwater, surface water, and the forgotten link of India’s...

India is Under Threat of Chemical Poisoning

The lethal threat lurking in India's groundwater: arsenic and fluoride’s silent...

A Hydro Case for Regional Cooperation 

Balancing future growth ambitions with an ecologically rich river basin in a politically charged...

The Status of Urban Water in India

REVOLVE asks its Strategic Partner, Kubernein Initiative, for insights into the dynamics around the value of...

Into The Lagoons Of Lakshadweep

Vulnerable acroporid reefs host a diverse array of species that are intricately connected.

India’s Urban Water Security Challenge

As the world become increasingly urban, propelled by a lifestyle change and economic opportunity, almost 70...

Tensions in South Asia Can Derail Fragile Water Treaties

The recent tension with Nepal, misunderstanding with Bhutan and border clash with China show that India can...

From Conflict to Context-based Metrics

The stories of the Cauvery and California’s Central...